Fundraising Events

Listed below are details of our current fund raising events and activities

1st March 2025:
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Fund Raiser

Bendigo Store, 263-265 High Street, Kangaroo Flat VIC 3555

The Bendigo Fly Fishing Club will host a sausage sizzle fundraiser for Mending Casts at the Bendigo
Bunnings store. All proceeds will be donated to our cancer retreat programs so please drop in, say “Hi” to the club team and buy a snag or two.

Saturday 30th August 2025:
Annual Trivia Night & Silent Auction

Heidelberg Golf Club, 8 Main Road, Lower Plenty Victoria 3093 

Our annual major fund-raiser is on again in August so get a table of 8 or 10 (or we can sit you with others) and come along and help Mending Casts raise some much-needed funds and of course, have some fun while you're doing it. There will be all the usual events such as a silent auction, live auction, buy it now table, raffles and the coin toss game. Food is included in the ticket price with drinks available from the bar at bar prices (NO BYO).

Tickets will be available online from July 1st here: TRYBOOKING WEBSITE

Changing lives one cast at a time